---If we build a bridge, a building or a structure with shoddy materials
and workmanship, eventually, it will come crashing down around itself.
If anything is built without the proper foundation to withstand ALL that life
will hurl at him or her...we will find ourselves in the same boat. I don’t
think most folks realize the importance of being appreciated, being
valued, loved, supported, cared for, being kind, etc. Without these BASIC
HUMAN NEEDs being met, their lives are built with the same shoddy materials that
will make lives (themselves) fall apart, eventually. These HUMAN NEEDs are the building
blocks of human life. These are very, very necessary.
---To quote JK Rowling, the author of the ‘’Harry Potter Series,’’
rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life,’’ Before
writing the Harry Potter Books, she wasn’t doing the kinds of things that
helped get her needs met. That’s the boat that many of us are in. Many folks
don’t realize that a life without the key elements of being valued, being
appreciated, being supported, etc...are like building a structure or a bridge
with shoddy material and/or workmanship that won’t be able to withstand the
weight and endure all the things the structure itself will go through
during its’ existence. Really, it can’t do anything, BUT come
crashing down around itself. A skyscraper built on sand, bridge abutments built
in quicksand...will yield the same results.
---The recipe of life has a healthy portion of the ingredients of
love, support, being valued, being appreciated and being kind in it. There is
NO scrimping on the materials (ingredients or building blocks) necessary to
create a good, solid individual able to withstand all that life throws at him
or her. Any scrimping at any time will jeopardize the project AND will hasten
the whole thing to fall apart. Each time he/she interacts with love, being
valued, being appreciated or In other words – All the Right Stuff, that ‘Right
Stuff’ includes ALL the construction equipment, too. The foundation ITSELF is
strengthened and becomes more solid and as strong as it needs to be. Everything
works better that way. Herein lies the rub - If these needs are not met...and
met convincingly, then we are usually faced with an individual who
is seeking to get these needs met. And, those things he gets himself
addicted to as a substitute to these human needs being met, are sitting
right-around-the-corner. We DON’T want to go down that road, again. We
make sure we learn to accurately identify our real needs more clearly AND we
now know how to get our needs met on a regular basis. There is no success at someone else's expense in the real world. We are ready to upgrade our
lives in ways that benefit all we do and we find that we are very glad that we did.
Be Well.