Sunday, June 26, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
To Whom It May Concern -
Laguna Honda Hospital
—I’ve been a long term resident/patient at Laguna Honda Hospital for many years. I had a couple strokes and heart attacks along the way. I lived for a time in the old Laguna Honda Hospital and the new in 2010. I remember when Dr. Sweet wrote her book, ‘’God’s Hotel,’’ about LHH. As a matter-of-fact, Dr. Sweet was my doctor, for a time.
—Over the years, I’ve seen many people come and go at LHH. Recently, we have been told other arrangements are being made for the residents/patients…as our funding has been terminated and the powers-that-be are closing down the hospital. This news has horrified many people…residents/patients and staff alike. We aren’t quite sure when this news was made public, but many of us were blindsided by this. It’s like having the rug pulled out from under us.
—Many have asked - Why? What happened? It seems a couple patients overdosed, so the hospital has been defunded heading for a close down. A few years ago there were some employees floating around compromising photos of residents/patients. Those incharge of Social Security have decided that enough is enough. Defund them and shut them down.
—A very sad end to this as there are many, many employees & residents/patients who had no clue that this was happening and really didn’t even know that they were talking about our hospital when this was on the news. Hearing of the closing, one began talking about pushing a shopping cart around Safeway parking lot with his wheelchair asking for spare change. Another speaks of going to live in SFGH emergency room. And, they are not feeling too good on top of it. Not too realistic…but, this reaction or overreaction makes as much sense as closing Laguna Honda Hospital, to some of us.
—Not everyone who enters Laguna Honda ends up as a drug addict or in a compromised photo. Some, who can, actually thrive and do well. Some are actually released and continue on. To the powers-that-be, we need your support. Please find a different way to fix the problems you’re finding that are much less dramatic and traumatic. A lot of good things take place at LHH. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Thank you!
Saturday, June 18, 2022
A Resident/Patient
Laguna Honda Hospital +
Rehabilitation Center
A Place That Is Kind To Me,
As I Am Kind To It.
A Place That Appreciates Me,
When I Need To Be Appreciated.
A Place That Treats Me Well Most ALL The Time!
A Place That Teaches Me Creative Ways
To Deal With My Emotions.
A Place That Helps Me To Express Myself
In Ways That I Will Best Be Understood.
A Place To Give Me Value
When The World Seems In Short Supply.
A Place That Helps Me To Get My Needs Met
When My Needs Are NOT Always Clear To Me.
A Place That Treats Me Kindly
When The World Shows Me It Is Running Low.
A Place That Is Willing To Hear Me
When I Need To Be Heard.
A Place That Helped Me To Physically Adjust
When I Had My Strokes.
A Place Willing To Help Me Quiet
After My Heart Attacks.
A Place That Is Very Willing To Work With Me
As I Battle My Anxieties.
A Place That Takes Me Seriously
And Laughs With Me When I Need To Laugh.
It’s A Place That Helps Me To Be A Me
That We ALL Can Seem To Deal With.
Please Don’t Close Laguna Honda Hospital
I Don’t Know If I Will Find A Place
That So Readily Accepts Me As I Am!